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Because we need a neuroscience-informed spiritual formation.

And because this is the place for all the overflowing thoughts of Geoff Holsclaw (that’s me) that can’t make it on the podcast.

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Schedule (roughly, and aspirational)

  • MONDAY: Research Report — some deep dives or commentary on neuroscience and psychological research)

  • TUESDAY: Podcast — obviously, it is the podcast.

  • WEDNESDAY: Biblical Insights—when I connect a neuroscience-informed spiritual formation to reading the Bible and the ministry of Jesus.

  • THURSDAY: Paid Access — something from the book we are writing on attaching to God, or other just for paid subscribers stuff.

  • FRIDAY: Church/Discipleship/Culture — posts on how all this stuff helps us read, and understand, and live in life today.

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  • Beginning on the week of Sept. 11th, I will post one or two sections a week until we are finished with the book (probably through the end of the year).

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Exploring a Neuroscience-Informed Spiritual Formation


Geoff Holsclaw is cohost of the Embodied Faith podcast, which is creating a neuroscience-informed spiritual formation. Geoff is also the author of several books ("Does God Really Like Me?"), a professor of theology, and a local church pastor.