Cyd and I have been busy all summer finishing our book manuscript and launching our new doctoral program in spiritual formation and relational neuroscience.
Now that those are finished, Cyd is finally able to run another Rooted cohort! Yeah! All the info is below.
And tomorrow I’ll be writing about the neurobiology of Psalm 1.
Praying, podcasts, spiritual disciplines, self-help books, repenting of sin, or just trying harder...and you still feel stuck!
Why can't you make the changes you want to make?
You wonder if something is fundamentally wrong with you...
IT'S NOT YOU. You just don't have the right tools.
With the right TRANSFORMATIONAL TOOLS (spiritual, emotional, and embodied) change happens faster, and deeper.
If this is you, then join Cyd Holsclaw in learning the skills to be ROOTED in life.
Get the tools to…
and more
Check it out here:
Meets on Tuesdays at 4pm EST for 6 weeks.
DATES: Sept. 3, 10, 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8
You watch the videos for the modules before our weekly calls and then we practice and process together on Zoom each week.
If you miss a call, you can catch the recording to hear the questions others asked and listen in on the coaching others received.
BE WHERE YOU ARE - notice your body, learn how early stories influence your present moments and your capacity for change.
BEFRIEND YOUR BODY - learn tools to work with your nervous system to better regulate your body so you can stay present in the moment.
BUILD RESILIENCE - understand your window of tolerance and explore emotions and healthy release of emotions.
BUILD CAPACITY - connect more deeply with God amid emotions and borrow God's endless capacity.
BELIEVE YOU BELONG - build joy and belonging with God.
BEGIN TO INTEGRATE - put it all together to continue to strategize lasting change in your relationships and self-regulation.
REGISTER NOW (Starts Tuesday, Jan. 9th):
Who is Cyd?
Besides being the fabulous cohost on the Attaching to God podcast, Cyd is a trauma-informed, Jesus-centered, transformation-focused coach, spiritual director, and pastor integrating the best of neuroscience, embodiment, and spiritual practices.
REGISTER NOW (Starts Tuesday, Jan. 9th):